Did you know that Doterra has a skin care line? We do!!
At Beauty Spa Maui, our skilled aestheticians swear by both lines offered by Doterra ( we love to use them in our facials). Each product is carefully infused with the finest essential oils to make sure that your skin is as happy as you are!
  • Having issues with acne or troublesome skin? We recommend the HD Clear line. These products help fight acne while also preventing future breakouts.
  • Looking for a little more “glow”? Our Verage products hydrate and nourish the skin with anti-aging technology. Perfect for repairing skin elasticity!
These amazing products are available for purchase… along with our carefully hand-made sugar scrubs!
Come in and talk with our aestheticians to see what product is right for you, we would be happy to let you sample!!
Don’t forget to schedule your next facial! Beautiful, radiant skin is only a call away.